Welcome to Iredell County!

Iredell County is located in the Charlotte Region of North Carolina, on the east coast of the U.S., on the shorelines of Lake Norman.  It is the 14th largest county by population in North Carolina, with 200,301, and has grown by 19 percent since 2015.   Home to six municipalities Mooresville, Troutman, Statesville, Harmony, Love Valley, and Union Grove, Iredell County offers a diverse set of cultures and lifestyles with a united community and a common set of core values.

Iredell is an important transportation center for the state, with Interstate 77 and 40 intersecting in the center of the county, giving us the slogan “Crossroads for the Future.”  Iredell County is bordered by nine counties and has established itself as one of the Charlotte Region’s population and employment centers, with 32,000 commuters coming into the County for work every day. Major industry sectors include manufacturing, healthcare, financial services, information technology, logistics and distribution, and agriculture. Iredell is an attractive location to live, with top-ranked public and private education systems, a strong healthcare network, a low cost of living, safe communities, and access to a variety of entertainment and outdoor activities.


Our Advantages

Offering a skilled workforce, robust infrastructure, a business-friendly mindset, a enhanced quality of life, and many other advantages to businesses relocating, expanding, or being built from the ground-up, Iredell County is uniquely positioned to respond to the needs of these target industries.

#1 Best Business ClimateBusiness Facilities 18th Annual Rankings Report, July 2022
2.5% Corporate Tax Rate in N.C.Lowest County Tax Rate in 15-County, Charlotte Region, NC Department of Commerce, July 2022
#1 America's Top State for BusinessCNBC, July 2022
Top Rated Community College and 2 Top-Rated Public School SystemsHigh School Graduation Rate of 90%
193,000 County Population, 20% Growth since 2010#3 Fastest-Growing County by Population in the Region, US Census Bureau, March 2022
Top Ten Best Business Tax ClimatesTax Foundation 2023

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Investors in Iredell County Economic Development Corporation play a major role in the success of our county’s thriving business climate. Explore the companies and partners that help us deliver the services to help business thrive in Iredell County and the benefits of being an Iredell EDC Investor.