Iredell EDC’s Jenn Bosser Shares Highlights And Growth Priorities At CREW Charlotte
Since 1990 CREW Charlotte has convened a diverse group of professional women and men engaged in commercial real estate and related industries representing a vast range of disciplines including real estate brokers, attorneys, bankers and title industry professionals to engineers, developers, and architects. On December 10, 2024, more than 200 of these professionals gathered for their final luncheon of the year to learn more from two of the premier counties in the Charlotte region, Iredell and Cabarrus.
Sponsored by the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, the program centered on a panel discussion entitled, “Cultivating Prosperity: Development Insights from Cabarrus and Iredell Counties.” Moderated by Grant Miller, Executive Vice President with Colliers, the panelists, Jay Blanton, Managing Partner at Insite Properties, LLC; Jenn Bosser, President & CEO of Iredell County Economic Development Corporation; and Irene Wong, Economic and Community Development Director for the City of Kannapolis, highlighted growth priorities in their respective communities including housing, manufacturing, industrial, and commercial developments.
You can learn more about this dynamic organization and its membership at