Mitchell Dedicates Continuing Education Building To Joe H. Troutman

Joe H. Troutman Building located at 701 W. Front Street, Statesville, NC 28677
It was a full circle moment when Mitchell Community College’s Continuing Education Center at 701 W. Front Street was dedicated anew to Joe H. Troutman, a Mitchell ‘58 alumni, long-time community member, and current Mitchell Board of Trustee member. Surrounded by his family and a room full of friends and community members, Joe reminisced on his time at Mitchell.
“Each one of you here today have a special place in my life and I appreciate very much over the years your fellowship and friendship,” said Joe. “This College has meant so much to me and I am thrilled to have this honor.”
With his family in Greenville, SC, Joe was on his own as a student at Mitchell, enrolling in 1956, during its private college years. During that time, he worked and lived at Johnson’s Funeral Home while completing the college’s General Studies program. As a student, Joe made many lasting friendships – a testament to his character – with a few of his classmates present in the room for the building dedication.
“I am eternally blessed to have the greatest support that I could have ever had,” commented Joe on his time as a Mitchell student. He also recounted his time as a student at D. Matt Thompson high school – the very building which now carries his namesake.
Acquired by the college in September of 1986 with its first classes beginning in March of 1987, Mitchell’s Continuing Education Center was first known to the community as the D. Matt Thompson high school from 1922 – 1946 and then transitioned into the D. Matt Thompson junior high school from 1946 – 1986. Joe Troutman was a student at the junior high school from 1951 –1953. His father also graduated from D. Matt Thompson high school.
Joe has been the treasurer of the Mitchell Community College Alumni Association since 1963 and has served as a long-time member of the College’s Board of Trustees, which has included service as board chair from 2001-2003. Joe currently serves as chair of Mitchell’s facilities committee, leading the college through several construction and renovation projects including the college’s newest and largest project-to-date, the Public Safety Training Center, with construction beginning in 2025.
“As a life-long member of this community and as a distinguished alumni and graduate of this college, Joe is interwoven into the fabric of this community,” said Dr. Tim Brewer, president of Mitchell Community College, in his dedication of the building. “In recognition of his outstanding service to Mitchell Community College and his distinguished civic leadership, for his long-term membership on the Board of Trustees with an unwavering commitment to the success of students, for his work as a member of the Alumni Association as a Mitchell graduate, for his steadfast support of students, faculty, and staff at the college, he has the College’s eternal appreciation for his service.”
About Joe Troutman
Joe Troutman has served the Statesville Community in the funeral business for decades, building his interest during his time as a student at Mitchell when he worked and lived at Johnson’s Funeral Home in the 1950s. In this role, Joe is devoted to helping families during their time of need and offering comfort for their loss.
In 2019, Troutman was named Citizen of the Year by the Greater Statesville Chamber of Commerce for a lifetime of service to the community.
Joe is a life-long member of Broad Street United Methodist Church, a past member and chairman of the Iredell County Board of County Commissioners, founding board of directors member for the Bank of Iredell and also served on the Board of Directors at BB&T. Joe is a former chairman and President of Hospice and Palliative Care of Iredell County, Statesville Chamber of Commerce member, Iredell County Heart Association member, United Way Board member, a member of the SCAN Board and March of Dimes. Joe is a Rotarian and a Paul Harris Fellow. Additionally, he is a past president of the Statesville Jaycees, former State Area Vice President of North Carolina Jaycees, and a US Senator of Jaycees International Senate and was awarded a Life Membership and Distinguished Service Award for his service to Statesville.