Mooresville Fire-Rescue Awarded ISO Class 1 Rating from NCDOI
Mooresville Fire-Rescue was awarded an ISO Class 1 rating from the North Carolina Department of Insurance on October 26, 2023. Mooresville Fire-Rescue has maintained this elite ranking for the last five years and is only one of 30 departments in North Carolina to have achieved this rating.
The department received a score of 99.71 out of 105.50 points. 50 percent of the score is based on the department’s structure fire suppression system. Mooresville Fire-Rescue received high scores for its engine and ladder/service vehicles, reserve apparatus, equipment carried, response to reported structure fires, responding firefighters, and their extensive training.
“I am beyond proud of our department and our continued service to our community,” said Fire Chief Curt Deaton. “Our high score shows our detailed thought process in where we build fire stations, what fire apparatus we utilize, how we train our firefighters, and how we analyze future needs. We are thrilled to receive an ISO Class 1 rating once again!”
N.C. Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey commended Mooresville Fire-Rescue’s dedication to its community.
“I’d like to congratulate Chief Deaton for the department’s performance and for the hard work of all the department members,” said Commissioner Causey. “The citizens in these Fire Districts should rest easy knowing they have a fine group of firefighters protecting them and their property in case of an emergency.”
This accomplishment benefits the Mooresville community in two ways. First, and foremost, it means MFR is equipped, prepared, and able to protect the Mooresville community, homes, and businesses. Second, an ISO Class 1 rating can mean lower insurance premiums for home and business owners.
N.C. Department of Insurance ISO Rating
Fire departments in North Carolina must undergo a routine inspection every 5 years by the Department of Insurance Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM). These inspections look for proper staffing levels, sufficient equipment, proper maintenance of equipment, communications capabilities, and availability of a water source. Fire departments can receive a rating of one (highest) to 10 (not recognized as a certified fire department by the state). A higher rating, such as ISO Class 1, suggests a department is overall better equipped to respond to fires in its districts. You can learn more about this process online at