Iredell County Economic Development Corporation (Iredell EDC) is a 501(c)6 public-private partnership and the leading economic development organization for Iredell County, City of Statesville, Town of Mooresville, and Town of Troutman. We are a catalyst for economic development, workforce development, site development and readiness, all for the purpose of enhancing our quality of place. We are competitively positioned to leverage the partnership of business, government, and education to bring success and prosperity to our communities. Additionally, we lead Iredell Ready through our 501(c)3 Foundation focusing on strengthening our workforce pipeline through collaboration with key partners, alignment on initiatives, and increased engagement in programs and resources.
Tonight, we will share how your investment impacts our efforts to build a vibrant community while removing any obstacles for the growth of business in Iredell County. You will hear our projected outcomes and discover what you can expect in return.