Iredell EDC’s VP Workforce & Strategic Initiatives, Jessica Rivers Stewart Named 40 Under 40 by Charlotte Business Journal
Provided by Iredell EDC on May 20, 2022 —
Mooresville, NC – Iredell Economic Development Corp. (Iredell EDC) is pleased to announce that Jessica Rivers Stewart, Vice President, Workforce & Strategic Initiatives, was honored by the Charlotte Business Journal as a 40 Under 40 recipient. The Charlotte Business Journal held their 29th annual 40 under 40 awards ceremony last evening at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Charlotte. This recognition is for individuals that have demonstrated a commitment to their career and community. The program has been a staple in Charlotte for 20 years.
Jessica was recognized for her influence on business and community involvement, which is best demonstrated through her work at the Iredell EDC. Working in economic development for over a decade, she has held numerous positions within Iredell EDC, which has made her an invaluable resource to the organization and the community.

(Left) Jessica Rivers Stewart and (Right) Jess Bosser at the Charlotte Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 Awards Ceremony. Photo provided by Iredell EDC.
“She is known as a humble leader that supports efforts behind the scenes. The organization would not be where it is today without her work. Jessica approaches the impossible with grace, optimism and a ‘can-do’ attitude, and a pragmatic approach,” explained Jenn Bosser, President & CEO for Iredell EDC. “There are many reasons Jessica is so deserving of this prestigious award.”
Civic-minded, involved, and energetic

Jessica Rivers Stewart, Vice President, Workforce & Strategic Initiatives
As Vice President, Workforce & Strategic Initiatives, Jessica leads Iredell County EDC’s workforce development efforts by deploying a strategy to develop, retain and attract talent by enhancing the workforce pipeline for our existing industry and target clusters.
“I was honored to learn the Charlotte Business Journal had included me amidst these accomplished public servants and professionals. I love what I do—the community that I am a part of—growing and making daily life better for my neighbors and family,” said Jessica Stewart, award recipient.
About Jessica Rivers Stewart
Jessica is a community activist, and fully engages with the community she lives in. She served as a Board of Director on the Lake Norman United Way for nine years. She serves on the Statesville Chamber of Commerce Workforce & Education Committee. Formerly, President and two-time Distinguished Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Club of Mooresville-Lake Norman. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte Region. Jessica serves on the advisory committees with Iredell-Statesville Schools and Mooresville Graded School District. She participates in the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, Business Retention & Expansion Committee. She is a member of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). She has completed economic development training through work at GA Institute of Technology, the IEDC, and National Development Council. Jessica is a recent graduate of the 2022 Class of Leadership Statesville program. Jessica and her husband live in Troutman and have three young children (ages 1, 4, and 6).
Jessica has been instrumental in securing multi-year funding from Iredell County to purchase the licenses for a multi-year career awareness digital platform, “Edge Factor,” for our two public school systems. She led the implementation, training, and deployment in the schools with CTE leaders and principals to encourage usage in the classroom. The impact was over 23 schools, 10,000+ subscribers, and 30,000 career videos watched since August 2018. Edge Factor continues to be a tool for employers and students, plus parents, to connect and educate about the amazing career opportunities that exist.
Additionally, Jessica has been instrumental in connecting industry and education partners. She initiated the launch of the first Virtual Career Fair in partnership with the local workforce board and neighboring counties. Due to Jessica’s work with existing industry, Iredell County received five of the nine grants awarded last year by Centralina Workforce Development Board to industry. As a result of her efforts, our community is launching a new initiative, Iredell Ready—a collaborative between public-school systems, community college, workforce development boards, chambers, Iredell EDC, and the County. The initiative has secured $750,000 in funding over the next 3 years.
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About Iredell EDC
Iredell Economic Development Corporation is a public-private partnership that promotes economic growth and stability in our community by supporting the creation of new jobs and encouraging investment. We accomplish this through new business attraction, support of existing industry, building a world-class workforce, and collaboration with our community to build prosperity for all. For more information visit,
Contact: Jenn Bosser, President and CEO
Email: [email protected]
Office: 704.663.1898