Iredell Edge Factor: our Key Workforce Development Leader
Iredell has partnered with Edge Factor as its key workforce development leader. The online platform, Edge Factor, empowers communities to tackle workforce development, inspire students, reach parents, and build relationships between local companies, schools, and families. Through this unique platform, Iredell is equipping K-12 and postsecondary schools, businesses, workforce development organizations, and families with e-learning tools to showcase industries and careers, teach soft skills, show how STEAM comes alive in the real world, and highlight local training and career opportunities.
Discover new content on our community hub, Iredell Edge Factor, featuring local development company Princeton Communities under Construction Careers: Contractor/Builder, Developer and business administration careers. The Iredell community hub content is available to anyone in our community to watch and learn about companies and careers available in Iredell County. Local businesses can participate by signing up through the Edge Factor site.
One e-learning tool that Edge Factor utilizes in reaching young audiences is the Pet Factor Series. Career exploration tools like these, reach students in classrooms, at events and at home. Most recently, the Pet Factor Series included footage captured at Iredell County’s local business, the Rescue Ranch. The Pet Factor Series offers students an opportunity to connect soft skills and career opportunities with the care of animals. In this YouTube Pet Factor Promotional video the soft skill, adaptability, is featured showcasing three careers that utilize this soft skill, which helps young learners understand, as they connect caring for animals with skills they will need in future careers.
The Edge Factor offers FREE career exploration media combined with information on local schools and businesses in Iredell County. If you have questions or comments, feel free to connect with Iredell EDC directly by email: [email protected].
For more information about the Iredell Edge Factor, please click link below.